Exploring the Must-Have Features of the Police Drone Detectors

Did you know that the global market size of drones is likely to reach USD 4.7 billion by 2028? (https://www.statista.com/topics/7939/drones/#topicOverview) Yes, you read it right! Drones are at a stage where they continue to evolve and become smarter. That is why they find wide applications in diverse industries. However, the misuse of the technology by malicious individuals cannot be undermined. Therefore, to counter such threats, the cops rely on the security patrol anti-drone solution.


These counter-drone systems mainly consist of drone detectors and drone jammers. While the detectors play a crucial role in monitoring the airspace and identifying illegal drones, the jammers block them and fail their mission. In this blog, you will explore the must-have features of a police drone detector. Let’s dive in!


Need of Drone Detectors for Police

Preventing criminal activities and ensuring public safety are the main responsibilities of the cops. With the advancement of technology, more and more individuals with malicious intent are leveraging drones to smuggle contraband, conduct illegal surveillance, and create chaos in large events. Therefore, leveraging the best anti-drone for surveillance has become the need of the hour. The drone detectors enable cops to identify rogue drones in restricted airspace while they are still at a distance and plan strategies to effectively counter them. As a result, preventing potential damage and winning the trust of the public become easy for the police.


Essential Features of the Drone Detectors

Ready to invest in drone detectors for enhanced safety? Delve into the prominent features to look for!

·         Wide Detection Range

Make sure the drone detectors you choose are capable of detecting rogue drones from a enough long distance. It can provide you with more time to prepare appropriate strategies and counter the approaching threats with ease.


·         Low False Alarm Rate

Generating false alarms may create unnecessary chaos among the cops and consume their valuable time. Therefore, investing in drone detectors with a low false alarm rate is always a wise decision. It can enable you to identify genuine threats only and take the right actions on time.


·         User-friendly Interface

You would not want to opt for a drone detector that requires providing extensive training to the cops. Instead, cops look for detectors with a user-friendly interface that can be deployed immediately and start identifying illegal drones. It helps save a great deal of time and allows detecting rogue drones in a hassle-free manner.


·         Integration Capabilities

The cops rely on several security measures for the enhanced safety of the public. Opt for a drone detector that can easily integrate with the existing security infrastructure.



In recent times, drone technology has kept evolving. While it benefits several industries, it is also becoming a threat to privacy and security. That is why leveraging the anti-drone solutions is essential for the cops. Are you in search of the best anti-drone system for police or a reliable anti-drone system for security patrol? Then NovoQuad Group is just the perfect choice for all your needs. Connect with the professionals, share your needs, and avail of the right solutions.


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