Security Patrol Anti-Drone System: Know the Must-Have Features

The drone technology has witnessed rapid proliferation in recent times. While the application of UAVs continues to increase in industries like agriculture, healthcare, and photography, the threats they pose are becoming a serious concern. Therefore, leveraging the best anti-drone for surveillance is the need of the hour. The market size of anti-drone solutions is likely to reach USD 6.31 billion by 2029. The stats clearly show the demand for the counter-drone measures. The C-UAS systems find wide application in airports, defense bases, stadiums, government facilities, and other critical infrastructures. 

Are you wondering about the need for a security patrol anti-drone solution? In this blog, you will explore the reasons to invest in them and the key features to look for. Let’s dive in!


Need for Security Patrol Anti-Drone Systems

The use of drones for dangerous and illegal activities is on the rise. Delve into the prominent reasons why you need an anti-drone system for security patrol!


Safety of Public Events

Drones can be used at large events to cause panic among the crowd, drop hazardous materials, or conduct illegal surveillance. Security patrols at these events can leverage anti-drone solutions to monitor drone activities and prevent accidents or damages.


Counter Smuggling

Drones can fly over the physical boundaries of prisons and other secure facilities and deliver contraband items like drugs. To prevent such activities, making use of the counter-drone systems is the need of the hour.


Prevent Illegal Surveillance

Malicious drones can be leveraged to gather sensitive information relating to government facilities and large organizations. The security patrol anti-drone systems can help detect illegal drones from a distance and jam them effectively to enhance airspace security.


Enforcement of No-Fly Zones

Airports, government buildings, and defense bases are usually designated as no-fly zones. However, illegal drones can still breach these zones and give rise to privacy and security risks. Deploying the anti-drone systems can help in the effective enforcement of no-fly zones.


Features of Security Patrol Anti-Drone Systems

Whether you are investing in an anti-drone system for police or security patrol, exploring its features is vital. Delve into the top features of security patrol counter-UAS systems!


Detection Unit:

  • The drone detectors come with advanced space-time adaptive technology to ensure high accuracy and all-round protection.
  • These devices allow users to identify more than 200 targets at a time.
  • The drone detectors offer all day protection and can function optimally in all weather conditions.
  • These devices are easy to operate and simple to maintain. 

Jamming Unit:

  • The drone jammers come with precise jamming capabilities to prevent the chance of collateral damage.
  • These devices support manual/ automatic mode switching.
  • The high-end drone jammers have full-band jamming capabilities for greater coverage.
  • The power output and frequency bands of the drone jammers are customizable. 


With the rapid advancement of drones, the demand for counter-drone measures will continue to increase. Are you looking for the best police drone detector or security patrol anti-drone solutions? NovoQuad Group can be the perfect destination for all your needs. 


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